The little girl in the music video, “Soy Yo” doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion from the very start if the video. Soon after the very beginning she is riding her bike. She stops to see a pair of girls staring at her with very strange faces which would give everyone the same idea, they think I’m weird. But the little girl in the video didn’t care. The little girl had her hair the way she liked it and she had her bike the way she liked it. She could’ve biked away, given them a face back, she could’ve done pretty much anything. But she showed it wasn’t a hard decision for her and just picked up her recorder from her bike and started to play not showing a care in the world for the girls giving …show more content…
Once done the barber turns the chair around and the little girl gave the mirror a little smirk. She liked her hair the way it was done, almost perfect. The pair of girls who were making fun of her just after the beginning thought they were perfect. Everyone has their own “perfect”. When the little girl was showing those boys on the basketball court, she thought her skills were the best. The boys on the court thought otherwise. But she was perfect in her way. The other little girls were perfect in their way. And the boys were perfect in their way. Everyone’s “perfect” is different but that is what makes people