Human Enhancements in our Race for Space
Since the beginning of man 's existence on this earth, the night time sky has held awe and wonder. The questions of what may exist have long been pondered and are chronicled throughout the written history of our species. Technology and science allowed early scientists to prove the sun as the center of the solar system as well as many planets besides earth orbiting that very sun. It later allowed them to witness the stars as distant suns, each potentially holding planets which may, even if by a miniscule chance, hold life. Dreams of man traveling into space and exploring the universe were simply that, pipe dreams without the technology to support them. However, technology has shown a way of catching up with our dream. Explorers had better ships and star navigation to discover the new world, the Wright Brothers learned the intricacies of powered flight and finally allowed man to leave the ground. In a very short amount of time, technically speaking, man has achieved the once impossible and not only traveled into space, but walked on the moon. There are many reasons man has to explore the universe; natural resources, our natural exploratory nature, or seeking new life, man will eventually develop the technology necessary to make this a reality.
Though moon walks and subsequent space stations are great achievements, ones never to be forgotten, the success of space travel has also raised a great many questions and concerns. These concerns raise disturbing questions as to whether man will ever achieve prolonged space exploration or colonization. The human body is a delicate machine which was built and designed through evolution to survive on the strict guidelines of this planet. Things like atmosphere and gravity, along with our susceptibility to solar radiation will make it very difficult to achieve our goals. In addition, the propulsion technology now at our
Bibliography: 4. Harland MD. 2008. Space Exploration 2008. New York, NY: Praxis Publishing Ltd. Available from: ESC Library, Accessed 29 March 2010. 7. Kanas N. 2008. Space Psychology and Psychiatry. Dordrecht: Springer Science Business Media B.V., 2008. Available from ESC Library, Accessed 29 March 2010. 8. Kurzweil R. 2005. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. United States: Penguin Books. 603 p.