On July …show more content…
There are no stars in the background of the astronomers’ photos
Over the years, everyone has seen a picture of the astronauts on the moon. In a typical elementary school science class, one can most definitely find the classic gray and white photo of an astronaut and a starless background. Non-believers say that because of the starless background, the photos are fake. They say that because the sky is black, it should be filled with thousands of stars as it is on Earth. Why should one be able to see stars in the earth sky but not in space where the stars actually are (Plait, Philip C, p. 158-160)? The answer is simple: the stars are not visible because they are too faint in the photos. The camera setting is the reason the stars are not visible! The exposure on the camera is too short, which makes it seem that the stars are not actually there. Think of it this way: if you take a picture of the stars in a cloudless night sky, you may not be able to see the stars. Why? The sighting depends on the exposure on the camera. More stars are visible with longer exposure. Suppose that the operation had been faked, and NASA was scraping to save the program. They constructed sets and sent the astronauts to the sets to take pictures to make it seem as though they had gone to space. NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. If they had created fictitious photos, why would they not put stars in the background (Plait, Philip C, p. …show more content…
The hoax-believers based this theory on the Van Allen belts, which are doughnut shaped zones of intense radiation within. They state that because of the radiation, the astronauts would not be able to survive the trip. NASA tested and modified the equipment. They “hardened” the spacecraft, which, in turn, limited the amount of radiation that astronomers would be exposed. “In the end, over the course of their trip to the Moon and back, the astronauts got, on average, less than 1 rem, a unit of effective absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue, of radiation, which is about the same amount of radiation a person living at sea level accumulates in three years” (Plait, Philip C, p. 160-163).
3. The astonishing high temperatures on the moon should have killed the astronauts
It is true that the temperatures on the moon can reach very high. The heat can reach up to the 248 degrees Fahrenheit. That is enough to heat water! As a result, no, astronauts cannot stand those extreme temperatures. Consequently, though, the moon only rotates every twenty-seven days. This means days and nights both last for two weeks. In the same way that earth does not immediately warm when the sun rises, the moon does not either. Scientists at NASA knew this and set the landing time to be at sunrise, so the astronauts could withstand the heat (Plait, Philip C, p. 165-167).
4. There is dust on the lunar