What has space travel achieved in the last half century? Lots actually, space travel has enabled the use of satellites for a range of uses, instant Television, advanced weather forecasting and has helped uncover the secrets of our past. Space travel has developed technologies and theories which have changed the way we live through the proving of gravity and knowledge of how to use it to the invention of the satellite and its wide variety of uses.
The colossal benefits of space travel to date are boundless, the discovery alone of how gravity can keep objects in orbit around the earth without the use of thrusters has revolutionised how the human race interacts through orbiting satellites. Satellites stay in orbit by gaining enough velocity with the right altitude to reach orbital velocity (the minimum velocity at which a body must move to maintain a given orbit.)1 The lower an orbiting satellite is the quicker it needs to travel to avoid orbital decay (the proses of rapid decreasing in altitude)2.
Space travel has both benefits and hindrances. The benefits of ‘More than fifty years of human activity in space have produced societal benefits that improve the quality of life on Earth’3. Space travel has enabled the use of satellites have placed limitless boundaries on communication of all sorts. Satellites have enabled world-wide communication that has made what was once considered a very large planet to a 24 hour round trip. Meteorology has evolved with the satellites “Weather forecasting was once little more accurate than folklore. Now satellites can monitor drought in Africa, floods in the Bay of Bengal and hurricanes across the Caribbean, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.”4 Space travel and satellites have enabled navigation to blossom to previously unimaginable heights. Navigation has enabled deeper and further exploration on the planet we currently live on, let alone the progress that has been made on mars. Due to the results