The Age of Exploration was an important time period in history without which the modern map would not be as we see it today. During this era, Europeans had a sudden urge to explore, discover, a feeling they had never had before. With the advancement in technology, the Europeans, as well as the Asians were able to explore the uncharted seas and discover the unknown land. During this time, many discoveries were made, but the one most remembered is the discovery of the Americas. This was a big discovery which added a whole new continent, never known about, onto their map. As soon as the land was discovered, so was the curiosity of the Spanish. The land was soon inhabited by the Spanish as well as the indigenous. The two races lived side by side happily, but soon the Spanish greed for gold, glory became too much and disaster struck. Whole communities were torn, murders committed and whole communities exterminated. Genocide: a terrible crime against the indigenous. Apart from the wars, more deaths were occurring, however they were not intentional. Both Spanish and the Indigenous were falling victims to new diseases. There were many reasons for death/murder whether intentional or not but no races or cultures were put to extinction due to the attack by the Spanish proving that the Spanish Conquest was not a genocide.
After the discovery of America, the Spanish had access to a whole new continent, a whole new way of life as well as people. The Spanish were eager to lay claims on whatever they could, build their power, and gain wealth. The Spanish built communities, they scavenged for the land, for power and for control. The Spanish bred happily, sharing their way of life with the indigenous, learning new techniques, mastering technology and living peacefully. However, soon the Spanish wanted more; their greed was for more than what they had and soon war struck out. To gain power, land and wealth, the Spanish attacked the