The Spanish conquered the Aztec for many reasons like new resources and goods. The Spanish could have conquered the Aztec for new resources like gold. According to Document C “Aztec account of the conquest”, “When the Spaniards were installed in the place, they asked Motecuhzoma about the city’s resources and reserves… They questioned him closely and then demanded gold.” Under those circumstances, the Spaniards could possibly conquered the Aztecs to become wealthier and have more supplies and new resources. Not only did the Spanish conquer the Aztec for more gold, but also for new goods. According to Document B “Cortes’ Letter to the King of Spain”, “Of all the things created on land, as well as in the sea… had…
The army was peacefully received by Moctezuma II, the Aztec tlatoani (ruler), who gave extravagant gifts of gold to the Spaniards to satisfy their army. However, this only increased the Spaniards’ greed, and Cortés took Moctezuma captive. Most people don’t on other people to use their armies. After Moctezuma was murdered (either by rebellion or the Spanish soldiers), open rebellion of the Aztec natives forced Cortés and his men to flee.…
The Broken Spears is written by Miguel Leon-Portilla, he gives the accounts of which the Aztec Empire falls to the Spanish in the 16th century. The book, Broken Spears, shows the view of the Aztecs more over than the Spanish, Miguel Leon-Portilla describes the many reasons as to why the Spanish were successful in the victory against the Aztec empire. The Spanish had technology advantages over the Aztecs, and they also had the poor leadership of Motecuhzoma. One of the most notable factors that caused the fall of the Aztecs was the plague, this factor was very effective and an advantage that helped the Spaniards succeeded over the Aztec Empire. The Spanish had many advantages over the Aztecs which is why they had such a strong victory, such as, religion, leadership, and technology.…
The Spaniards allied with the Tlaxcalan indians and marched into Tenochtitlan. Montezuma welcomed in Quetzalcoatl’s men with open arms, but Hernan Cortes seized power of the empire by using Montezuma as a figurehead against his will, while Cortes made all the real decisions. Cortes acted as a secret leader until 1520, when events caused tension to escalate, and Cortes demanded Montezuma command his people obey the Spaniards. The Indians didn’t like this at all, and showered their leader in stones, he then went on to die days later in June of 1520. The spanish originally went to Mexico to search for land and gold, or other plunders because they had no prosperity back home in Spain. When they reached Mexico, they discovered the Aztec people and the native indians of the land, and decided to try to eliminate them and their ways (cannibalism, human sacrifices, etc. didn’t appeal to the Spanish, and they didn’t want people like that inhabiting the same land as…
King Montezuma was the leader of the Aztec empire from 1502-1520. The Aztecs had a large empire and complex civilization in present day Mexico. At their height, the Aztec empire had about five million citizens, about the same population as present day Paris. Hernando Cortez, a Spanish conquistador, set out to explore Mexico in 1518. In doing so, he disobeyed King Charles, the King of Spain. Cortez left Spain with 500 men in 11 ships. Once he arrived in Mexico, he burned most of his ships so his troops can’t escape back to Spain. He declared war against the Aztecs. Despite his underwhelming numbers compared to the Aztecs, the Spaniards did more than hold their own thanks to the revolutionary advantage of gun powder. On June 29th, 1920 Montezuma…
In Aztec time, their self made weapons had changed dramatically after the arrival of the Spanish. Aztec weapons were improved with much stronger ones from the Spanish. There are a few long and short term effects between both of the nations. This essay will explain the short and long term effects of the arrival of the Spanish on Aztec warfare.…
Monctezuma was born in 1466 and died on June 29th 1520. Monectzuma was the leader of the Aztec Empire from 1502 – 1520. The Spaniard murdered Montezuma in cold blood in order to complete their conquest of his empire. The Spanish relationship with Monctezuma was very manipulative and deceiving. From the beginning Cortes made moves to openly try to undermined Monctezuma. Cortes made early alliances with the know enemies of Monctezuma and the Aztecs. This is not the actions of a good and trust worthy friend. Someone who is trying to become friends with a person they don’t know well doesn’t make friends with their enemies.…
Montezuma, who was the ruler of the Aztecs, had a funny feeling about them. Not too long after they arrived, the Aztecs realized that the Spanish could be killed just like their other enemies, so they went to war. They caught some of the Spanish, killed some of them, even ate some. The Spanish won out because of their preparation, and because they brought so many diseases with them, it killed some of the Aztecs as well. The Spanish came to the Aztecs land, and the Aztecs thought that this was the 'God' that they had been waiting for. They treated the Spanish with riches and lavish food, as they would a God. They only treated them to the finest of treasures because they were sure this was what they were looking for. The Spanish reported that they 'were sickened by the people's shocking routines', which was mentioning toward the sacrifice they saw. Then, when the Spanish tried to take advantage of what the Aztecs had given them, they realized they weren’t the Gods they thought they were looking for. So they cut them off. Conversely, the Spaniards had the horses, firearms, and they had most of the people of the Aztec society on their side. With that being said, the Spaniards didn’t like how the Aztec land was being run. With these people and the Spanish's knowledge expansions, they overthrew the Aztec Empire. After the Aztecs were conquered by the Spaniards, they were turned into…
Cortez was born around 1482 AD. He was born into a noble family. He was a conquistador. He’s known as the man who conquered the Aztec Empire and claimed Mexico for the Spanish. He commanded his own expedition to Mexico, even after he was commanded not to.…
Isolation, limited technology, disease, beliefs/religion, and allies were all contributing factors which led to Aztec destruction.…
On November 8, 1519, Aztec Emperor Moctezuma and Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes met for the first time outside the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan. Aztec accounts of the event, compiled by Miguel Leon-Portillo shortly after and published as The Broken Spears, claim that Moctezuma (also Montezuma) believed Cortes was a god. “Our Lord, you are weary. The journey has tired you, but now you have arrived on the earth. You have come here to site on your throne, to sit under its canopy.” The accounts also say that Cortes told Moctezuma, “We have come to your house in Mexico as friends. There is nothing to fear.” Moctezuma would soon be dead, and Cortes would be the ruler of New Spain.…
The main people who were involved in the fall of the Aztecs were Montezuma the Aztec king, and Hernan Cortes- a Spanish conquistador. Hernan and his soldiers came in search of gold and riches in the new world. When they stumbled upon the Aztecs, Montezuma believed Cortes was a god and gave him precious stones and feathered crowns. The greedy Cortes wanted more and marched into the capitol. The Aztecs soon realized he was not a god, for a god would have preferred the feathered crowns more than the gold. Thus, the Aztecs were able to drive Cortes and his men out, only to kill Montezuma in the confusion. Cortes, furious, came back with many things on his side, including alliances, weapons, horses, geography, and disease. In 1521, the Aztec rein had finally come to an…
He came with 600 men, 16 horses, and a few cannons. Along the way to Tenochtitlan, they came across a Native American tribe. This tribe joined Cortes in his pursuit to Tenochtitlan because they were tired of being ruled by the Aztecs. This caused Cortes’ army to grow to thousands of soldiers. Cortes’ army was armed with metal armour, guns, and cannons. Those weapons were far more advanced than the weapons that the Aztecs had. Cortes was very interested in the gold and silver that Moctezuma, leader of the Aztec empire, was sending him. This made Cortes decide to overrule the Aztecs and take over Tenochtitlan. Cortes eventually captured Moctezuma and used him to have control over the Aztecs. Cortes’ men came upon the Aztecs making a sacrifice. They killed everyone involved and this caused an uproar in the city. Moctezuma tried to calm his people down but he was killed in the process. Cortes and his men tried to escape in the middle of the night but the Aztecs were waiting for them and an all out war began. Over half of the Spanish. The Spanish won however, and build Mexico City on top of the ruins of…
Hernan Cortes, a fierce Spanish conquistador, landed at San Juan de Ulua, in April 1519. With him, Cortes had 508 soldiers, one hundred sailors, artillery cannons, eleven ships and sixteen horses. Cortes and his small army, marched through Mexico, forming alliances with Aztec rivals, until reaching the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the massive Mexican empire known as the Aztecs or Mexica. It had a population of 200,000 people; almost three times that of the largest city of Spain, Seyville (Windschuttle, 43). Within the next two years, Cortes and his men had triumphantly defeated the Aztecs and taken control of Tenochtitlan against all odds. (Daniel, 1992) So how, despite be hopelessly outnumbered, without the possibility of new supplies or reinforcements, fighting other native tribes and Spaniards, and the Aztecs on their own turf, did this tiny Spanish force defeat such a formidable army. Today, there are a number of reasons why the Spanish have believed to been able to overcome such odds. A combination of poor Aztec military tactics against advance Spanish weaponry and strategy, a weak Aztec ruler, the spread of disease, Tenochtitlan’s poor governing over its populace, and the interconnectedness of Aztec military and religion ultimately led to the demise of its empire.…
In the early 1500’s, people traveled their whole lifetime, all across the world, just to find two things, gold and property. Gold, the world basically revolved around it and you would do anything to just get your hands on it. It determined who you were in life, your social status and what kind of life you lived. You also wanted to own as much property as you could for multiple reasons. Having more land, led to more people, creating bigger cities, dominant armies, and basically power to one. Starting out with very small possessions and little to accompany him in his journey, Hernando Cortes, a Spanish conquistador, traveled halfway across the world searching for these precious items. He would write to his king during his expedition, informing him of conquering city by city and gaining more power by the day, all in favor of fulfilling his dreams.…