The "Lady in Blue" was in fact a real person""Maria de Jesus de Agreda, or Sor Maria, as she was called. Sor Maria founded the Convent of the Immaculate Conception at Agreda.
Sor Maria had a very strong reputation throughout Spain for her wisdom and sanctity, as well as her mystical and religious writings.
After July 1643, Sor Maria became widely known for a more important reason. It was during this month, on the way to Aragon, that King Phillip IV stopped at Sor Maria's convent. Following the visit, the two exchanged letters frequently for 22 years. She became Phillip's confidante and advisor.
The legend of the "Lady in Blue" begins with the fact that Sor Maria never left Spain.
However, according to the legend, she made over 500 appearances to the Indians of New Mexico. Sor Maria flew with the help of angels to New Mexico and spoke with the Apaches and Jumanos in their own language in attempts to proselytize them. The "Lady in Blue" urged the natives to talk to the Franciscans""she had to remain invisible to them.
The legend holds that Sor Maria possessed bilocation, or the gift of being in two places at one time. During her visits, she was in a state of ecstasy. The nuns of her convent wore bright blue habits, hence the name the "Lady in Blue." Many years after her visit, Sor Maria began having doubts that her physical body went to New Mexico. She then claimed that it was merely her spirit. The Indians she visited continued to remember her visits many years later.
The Black Legend The Black Legend of the Spanish in America has existed for many centuries. This legend has done much to destroy the fame of the Spanish during the Age of Discovery. Created through the recordings of writers such as las Casas, the Black Legend tells of the mistreatment