Although criticized by ecological organizations like Greenpeace due to the dioxins that are freed, the option to incinerate wastes to produce energy is an exit contemplated by someone to destroy urban solid remainders. Their defenders remark that the scientific community has not pronounced itself fully on the vital toxicity of the dioxins.
In Europe there are models, like the French and Belgian, which bet openly by the use of waste like fuel, but the countries as Germany practically discards this option. In Spain nine incinerators work that produce energy, but the controversy and the social rejection that provoke have motivated that became paralyzed almost thirty projects of construction of these giant furnaces
In Spain there are nine incinerator plants with recovery of energy, many plants prepares its shutdown by the high cost of the investment and the social rejection to this type of facilities, nowadays exist other plants developed under the fourth generation criteria.
Plants with recovery of energy.
|Zabalgarbi. |100 MW. |154 m€. |2004 |
|Planta de Cantabria. |10.45 MW. |67 m€. |2004 |
|Melilla. |2,7 MW. |16,5 m€. |1996 |
|Cerceda. |50 MW. | |2002 |
|Gerona. |1,9 MW. |11 m€. |1984 |
|Mataró. |11,25 MW. |33,2 m€. |1994 |
|Tarragona. |7,4 MW. |24 m€.