Spanking is a Beneficial Form of Punishment
Ms. Stokes
Kaplan University
Amanda Pennington
Spanking is Beneficial 2 Parents have always struggled with ways to appropriately discipline their children, especially in modern culture. Several years ago there would have been no question about acceptable forms of punishment. Today people can not parent their children the way they want to. There are radical groups out there that are dictating the way we care for them, and this is not right. When did society become so manipulative over our parental duties? Even in today’s society, a good old-fashioned spanking is still a beneficial form of punishment. What is a spanking? defines spanking as an open handed swat to the buttocks as a form of punishment. Many parents are confused by the fine line of spanking and abusing their kids. Abuse is when someone’s intent is harmful and …show more content…
Some also try rewarding their kids for good behavior. “When a child is verbally corrected, apart from the use of any other form of punishment, the result is almost always a disaster. The child quickly learns that you are all talk and no action. A child then learns that the tongue lashing is that, just a voice. Therefore they learn how to tune you out.” ( Rewarding children for good behavior teaches them that they should only be good to get something out of it. They need to learn that they can do good deeds for the purpose of being a good person, not to get a reward. Children may also learn to behave badly to get a reward. Grounding your kids usually never work. Most parents ground their kids and forget that they have an electronic world inside their bedrooms. Sure they’d love to sit in their room all week and play their video games and play on the computer. Grounding will not work unless parents take away all