San Francisco, CA - SparcIt, a pioneer in automated psychometric assessments, and Creativity Testing Services (CTS), a leading provider of creativity assessment, announced today a joint partnership to provide more effective creativity tests and assessments.
Testing and measuring creativity has always been a challenge. It's well known to be a manual, slow and subjective process. Together, SparcIt and CTS created an all-new platform for automated and online creativity testing. The new rCAB-SparcIt platform represents over 35 years of creativity research and includes an entire portfolio of rCAB's creativity tests with quick and reliable assessment.
"We now have a powerful platform for the administration and reliable scoring of an entire battery of creativity tests," said Mark Runco, PhD, founder of CTS and E. Paul Torrance Professor of Creativity Studies at the University of Georgia, Athens. "This is a big step forward for creativity measurement and enhancement."
From a battery of creativity assessments, clients can choose what they need. The tests are provided in a custom-made package and available online. Among many, clients may choose from any of two dozen tests of divergent thinking, the Teachers' Evaluation of Students' Creativity, Parents' Evaluation of Children's Creativity, the "Who Are You" Self Report (for the creative personality), the Settings and Climate Evaluation, Creative Attitudes and Values, or any of the other measures from the rCAB.
SparcIt's engine automates such assessments by combining:
1. Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
2. Semantic networks from Computational Linguistics
3. Computational power for statistical mining of large data-sets and corpuses
"We are very glad to be partnering with CTS, a very reputable company in