thirty there were able to get married but only was allowed to visit their wife only infrequently. By the time they were sixty, they were able to retire and come home to their family (“Kagan, Donald…”). The Sparta system was created to have the people to focus on becoming the best in the world. By 550 B.C.E, the system became well established and the most powerful in history.
Athens had the most and best land and the population was not pressured.
They were divided into four ethnic groups and brotherhood, focus on political life and religious (“Kagan, Donald…”). Most of the people were poor working as family farms and contain acquired debt. In 594 B.C.E., the Athenians elected Solon as their new Archon asking him to revise the constitution. Solon helped the people to get out of debt and forbidding all loans. In the fifth century, Athens prosperity became great and they were depended on in trading wheat resolving the economic debate in propounding success in the cities. All the Athenian were “divided into four social class basis of wealth. The men’s were able to serve in hoplites and women had no part in anything in the judicial and political process. Unlike the Sparta, they had no choice.
Both Athens and Sparta had a different concept in their government system, the belief was different and women's rights as well. The women wear on their beauty and cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and exercising, training was not a demand for them. Each had different values and culture and lifestyle, only giving no similar and more different in the cities'
Furthermore, both city-state government system was different, but shared many things in common. Sparta was ruled by five authors
We're elected annually by two kings. The two king’s crowns were passed down to their sons. The five Ephors overrule the kings. The wealthy would attend election, while the king and Ephods would make a voting decision by shouting “no” or “yes”. Athens is a democracy, who are ruled by 5000 to 6000 men’s. These groups of men's were upper classmates that would be divided into groups of 50. These men would be in charge, then 10 out of the group would be elected. (“All Empires”). Athenian discusses more social matters and political. Women important for both Sparta and Athens in shaping their social status. The women would compete in sports activities such as gym and wrestling to look their best for the men's.
In conclusion, both cities-state had more differences than similarities. Athenian was classified as a democracy. All citizens were able to attend meetings and speak, but the Spartan kings and Ephods would make voting decisions. Boys and women were first at birth to be athletic and trained, making them bear no physical pain. Women in both communities were treated differently, but only had in common that they look their best for the men.