The Spartans also had a number of land victories in the Corinthian War. In their military beliefs, no soldier was considered superior to another going into battle. The primary weapon that they carried into war was a spear called a doru, which was 7-9 feet long. Also carried a short sword called xiphos, which was 2 feet long that was used for slashing. Another secondary weapon called the Kopis, which is a short sword. All soldiers had a bronze shield, with bronze helmet, breastplate and ankle guards. “Spartan warriors were also known for their long hair and red cloaks “(Spartan Military). The movie “300” made them famous for wearing the long hair, six packs, and red cloaks. Most of the time, Spartans were working on having a better military. The only job an adult male can have is a Spartan soldier. Their motto for living is to defend and honor their home state.
The life of a male in Sparta in very basic and controlled. Training was the biggest part of the male lifestyle. They began training at the age of seven. Once seven, the male children had to live together in a group called an agoge. In there, they learned to fight, steal and survival tactics. “They were subjected to continual physical competitions and expected to become skilled at stealing food, among other survival skills” ( needed all of this training because this is what they will do for the rest of their lives. At age 20, they became a full-time soldier. The male adult life was all about the military. After 20, everyday had training of some sort to get ready for a war at any second. They would be a Spartan warrior until they retire, or could not carry on their duties as warrior. At a later age, the men have to retire from the military. They can then possibly be eligible to join the Council of Elders, who proposed laws and decided court cases. Also they could join the Spartan Assembly, representing all male citizens. Woman of Sparta on the other hand, were had a different lifestyle.
The life of a woman in Sparta had a complete opposite life of the male. The women get a different kind of education. In school, they learn about myths, poetry and philosophy. Also, they participate in athletic training. The men wanted strong, fast woman to marry so they stayed physically fit through hard work, athletics and exercises. The athletic competitions included javelin, wrestling and dancing competitively. “Spartan women have therefore been both admired and vilified from ancient times to the present” (Spartan Woman).They were admired for being able to have some sort of education, when every other society wouldn’t let woman have an education, and own property. The woman had to manage their property while the men were gone. They don’t have an exciting life at home. They filled their time at home with domestic responsibilities they have to tend to such as making clothes, cooking and cleaning. Their life changes when the men are gone. They had to take over all the men’s belongings and the house. During their down time, they would go to sporting events such as owning horses to run in the Olympic Games.
Marriage is a huge deal in Sparta. The normal would be to get married before they turn 20. If they did not, then they are in great shame and sometimes get shunned. There were usually two types of marriages in Sparta. The fast men married the fast woman and the strong men married the strong woman. A lot of unusually rituals happened before and after the wedding. Women shave their head and keep it short after. “After marriage, husband and wives were kept separate” (World History). Since the men in were not allowed to see their wives, men snuck out of the barracks to see their woman while in training.
The Spartan society is unlike any other of its time.
Kind of like the U.S.A., Sparta had 3 types of classes. One was the Spartans, who were full citizens. Another was the helots, who were slaves. “The Spartan way of life would not have been possible without the Helots” (Athens and Spartans).They handled all the everyday tasks to keep the society functioning. The last is the perioeci, who were neither slaves nor citizens. They were craftsmen, traders and built weapons for Spartans. The most important thing that a Spartan has is loyalty to its home state. If they did not obey that, they would be killed or shunned. Also loyalty to the state comes first, even before their own family. That is why the babies of Sparta have to be perfect to live in Sparta. If not perfect, they will be thrown off a cliff or another way of death. Also the babies were raised by nurses, not by …show more content…
Leonidas was the best known leader of the Spartan warriors.
“According to Herodotus, Leonidas was descended from Heracles. His father was King Anazandrias” (World History). If he was descended from Heracles, then they believed he was part god, and trusted him with the army. Leonidas became in power of the Spartan army after the death of King Cleomenes I. Then he became Agiad Kind in 490 BCE. He was picked to be the leader because he was the eldest Claimant. Leonidas was best known for his brave death of the battle of Thermopylae during the Persian wars. Leonidas had 3 Nobel sons to carry on his name. He sons were Cleomenes, Dorieus and Pleistarchus. These three sons belonged to the agiad royal house of Sparta, which is the senior Spartan royal house. His one son Pleistarchus eventually became the agiad king when he became old enough to fill the
The Spartan culture was the best of their era because of their everyday beliefs; military based lifestyle, the men and woman of Sparta’s lives, the great leader Leonidas, and their not so normal marriage customs. The Spartans changed the lives of people of their time. Some cultures today are military based just like the Spartans, such as North Korea and their loyal countrymen and woman. If the Spartans never existed, then future cultures would not have learned by their group tactics in war, and individual greatness on the battlefield.