Paper Registration No: G.Lo – 022
Spatial Character of Setting of Children’s Playground on Riverfront’s area of Kampong Kota in Pontianak
R. Puspito Harimurti1, Erwin Rizal Hamzah1, Derry Gunawan2
Of Architecture, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, Indonesia 2Bappeda kota Pontianak, Indonesia E-mail :
ABSTRACT. Kampong according to Geertz (1965) is a type of settlement as a re-interpretation of the traditional village pattern in terms of density, all its heterogenan and less integrated it with an urban environment (Siregar, 1990 on Nurdin , 2010). Kampong kota by some people, can be read as a representation of the kampong in an urban environment, which was born due to the pressure of growth and development of the city urban. Kampong kota is often viewed as a place where there is untidiness, habitable illegality, lack of infrastructure and other public facilities (Devas, 1981 on Siregar 1990). Children 's play ground in kampong kota was the place for a playground that is not programmed to exist, to be grow and to expand due to the pressure of the growth and development of the city urban. This study used a descriptive research approach that aims to make an a description in a systematic, factual, based on accurate information about the spatial character of the setting of a children 's playground in the kampong kota on the riverfront area of the city urban, with focus on Kampong Beting, Kampong Yuka and Kampong Benua Melayu Laut in Pontianak. The subjects of this study was the group of children who live and are part of the Kampong Beting, Yuka and Benua Melayu Laut community in Pontianak. While the research object is a set of children 's playground. This study found that the setting of children 's playground in the Kampong kota is determined by: (1) User group based on their age, their physical size, and gender
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