Grand Canyon University
Spd-510--- Professor
March 26, 2015
Ericka Golden
I loved “Christopher Story”. To see that Christopher is a healthy, loving and thriving child also with the fact that is so loved is amazing. Watching Christopher’s Story I do not feel like inclusion is necessarily the best route for a child. I think that having a child in a natural environment is good for them. I think that the child needs should be addressed to make sure that the child is getting everything that they needs and MORE! The significance of inclusive services in natural environments are amazing. In watching the video, Christopher teacher said that because the other children are doing his therapy that he does not recognize that he is doing therapy. This is great to me to see that children adapt ad play with each other no matter how they look or how different that they can be. This becomes a benefit for Christopher to overwhelmed, different, or that he does not belong. Christopher had a great staff to make sure that he is able to be the best that he can be and not to be so dependent on others. Christopher has whole cleanse which includes the following people: heart start teacher, therapist, early head start teacher, early intervention therapist, early intervention occupational therapist, early intervention service coordinator, and home therapist, and a head start nutritionist. All of these people play a significant role in making sure that Christopher is able to grow, get the proper nutrients, have fun with friends and just have a normal life. In Christopher Story there are many strategies that are used to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and family-centered services. The one that stood out the most to me was that the School therapist and the at home therapist talks to the therapist so they can make sure that Christopher is getting the help that he needs. They also have a Saturday Therapy at home which to me showed dedication. Viral I think that everyone is involved and one the =right track to helping Christopher be the best person that he is capable of being. I think that having Christopher in a natural learning environment along with everyone being protective, proactive and working together is definitely going to pay off and be for his good.