The individual experiences of the two men upon their return to their hometowns differ in some ways but are alike in others. Norman Bowker feels almost left behind in the aspect of being able to find a place for himself back home,with all of his high school friends now having jobs or going to college. He goes to visit one of his old friends, Sally Gustafson, just to have a chat. But once he sees she is happily married, he quickly acts as though he was never there. He then realizes that Sally and he operate in …show more content…
In Speaking of Courage, O’Brien’s repetitive use of modal verbs complement the idea that Norman continues to live in the past and is tormented by regret. The “could-have’s”, “would-have’s”, and “should-have’s” outline Norman’s obsession with his lost opportunity, that being saving Kiowa from death.O’Brien’s of flashback also amplifies Norman’s connection to the past, it lingers and prevents him from moving on. Soldier’s Home is riddled with truncated sentences that are used to demonstrate the tension Krebs feels about living life after the war. He has no desire to put effort into anything of importance and answers questions with mostly short, one word