Professor S
English 102
Special Education
Special education is defection in term is an alternative learning style for students with academic, behavioral, health or physical needs in traditional educational format. The age range of these students is from age three to twenty two years of age. There are many programs that help these ligament children receive a fair educational experience that they may live on their own and be set up for success. In public schools the program or education is paid for by the government in taxes. What is at question is whether Special education should be founded by tax dollars, or should the programs exist outside public schooling and in a private owned school where the parents of the child are made to pay for the educational programs?
Indentifying when a child needs to be placed in special education is when; they do not succeed the standards of the district or school system. The child must be evaluated by the state, receive the benefits of being a special education student. There are thirthteen disabilities that one can be listed as, autism spectrum disorder, blind or low vision, cognitive disability, deaf and blind, development delay, emotional disability, language or speech impairment, multiple disabilities, other health impairment, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disabilities and traumatic brain injury according to the Indiana Protection and Advocacy services in what is special education. Each country, state and education jurisdiction is different however they have the right to different rules, regulations and policies to with up hold depending on the greater need in the community. In the United States though there is a governing law that is called the individual with disabilities education act. What this law is instated for is IDEA to help states regulate early interventions, to identifying the case and providing the services to the children that live within the home land. IDEA is federally funded to