Special Issue on Design and Analysis of Structures with Seismic Damping Systems
Michael D. Symans
Guest Editor; and, Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Troy, NY 12180. E-mail: symans@rpi.edu
The papers in this special issue focus on the theme of design and analysis of structures with seismic damping systems, the intent being to provide a summary of current research activities within the general field of seismic energy dissipation systems. The special issue originated within the ASCE-SEI Task Committee on Supplemental Damping Systems for Seismic Applications, a committee serving under the ASCE-SEI Committee on Seismic Effects. Two members of the task committee, Finley A. Charney and Andrew S. Whittaker, were particularly helpful in developing the special issue, assisting with its early development, and the soliciting manuscript reviews. Their efforts are gratefully acknowledged. In addition, the general membership of the Seismic Effects Committee supported the efforts of the task committee by serving as reviewers for many of the manuscripts. Their collective efforts are sincerely appreciated. The special issue begins with a lead paper, “Energy Dissipation Systems for Seismic Applications: Current Practice and Recent Developments,” which is coauthored by a mix of academicians and practitioners Symans, Charney, Whittaker, Constantinou, Kircher, Johnson, and McNamara . The lead paper provides an overview of current practice and recent developments in the application of passive energy dissipation systems for seismic protection of structures, with particular attention given to the application of such systems within the framing of building structures. Furthermore, emphasis is given to descriptions of viscous, viscoelastic, metallic, and friction damping systems, including recent applications of such systems. In the paper “Design Formulations for Supplemental Viscous Dampers to Building