The task I have undertaken for the skills report was helping a child with clothing or general hygiene. She is a female student, aged 16. She has Spina Bifida. She is in a wheelchair. She is the youngest of two children. As she was in a wheelchair, the task I carried out was general hygiene / care needs. Before I accompanied the two Special Needs Assistants with this task, they firstly asked the student permission for me to help them. She had no problem with this. The most important thing I was told to remember is the health and safety of the student.
After watching and learning from the Special Needs Assistants they gave me a procedure sheet which I had to follow. My goal was to be able to change the student’s catheter tube. As this procedure is for care needs, the procedure was as follows:-
The student is taken for care during the class after lunch. It takes fifteen to twenty minutes.
You have to take her to the care room.
Firstly, transfer her from her wheelchair onto the electric bed.
Remove her shoes and trousers, and change her nappy and put on a fresh one.
Before removing the old nappy, drain the fluid from the catheter tube and dispose of.
Attach the new catheter tube onto the catheter bag.
Put the students clothes back on and transfer her back onto her wheelchair.
Make sure the student washes hands.
The Special Needs Assistant has to spray all surfaces before and after care.
The Special Needs Assistant has to make sure the student’s trolley is fully stocked and when running low, make sure the student’s parents are notified.
The equipment that is used is the electric bed, a catheter tube, disposal nappies and wipes.
The first thing I did when I got to the bathroom was wash my hands and put on gloves. I got her equipment out of the cupboard, as the bathroom is shared with a number of students, each student has their own compartment with their own equipment. I sprayed the bed with