Mrs. Wamsganz
21 May 2013
Special Olympics Would you say people with disablilities are less fortunate? Would you say they aren’t capable of things that an everyday person are? No, it’s not that they are less fortunate or uncapable, but are carriers of unique gifts and talents. The Special Olympics started off only as a summer camp for those with intellectual disabilities. The camp was created to test and discover the phyical and mental abilities of these special individuals. The camp turned into a global movement making a change to the lifes of many and evolving into the Special Olympics in 1963. The Specials Olympics is an international competition modeled on the Olympic games, in which disabled ahletes compete. The Special Olympics helps the disabled become more physically fit and is also a confident booster to the intellectually disabled showing to them what they are capable of. It gives them the chance to shine and achieve goals they never dreamed of reaching. Each individual is evaluated and placed into divisions with other indivuals who have similar and equal abilities. Intellectual disablility is a disability characterized by significant limitation both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior aas expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. Having an IQ below 75 is what is considered being significantally impaired. In the second part of the evaluation the sports-specific criteria looks for where the athlte is placed. Each athlete must undergo sport classification so that they may be able to discover the intellectual impairment on the performance of their specific sport they wish to participate in.(Eunhye Kwon) 32 Olympic styled games are offered in the specail olympics. The games are made for individual and teams. The sports are designed for both children and adults with disabilities. The special Olympics consists of two seasons containing different sports. The spring/summer special