Leslie M. Clements
Charles Maida
University of Phoenix
The Elderly In Prison
•This PowerPoint intends to
•Provide in detail the struggles of the elderly within correctional facilities.
•Provide in detail the struggles prisons face with elderly care.
Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty
Why Are Elderly Inmates A Problem?
•Mass incarceration and the get-tough movement
•In 1974 there were 162 people incarcerated per 100,000 residents ("Prisons: History - The "get Tough" Movement", 2017).
•In 1995 there were nearly 600 people incarcerated per 100,000 residents ("Prisons: History - The "get Tough" Movement", 2017).
“It was the push for mandatory sentences and three strikes
you’re out… So we’re seeing people who came to prison in their 30s and 40s and 50s in their 50s and 60s and 70s today.” (Ollove, 2016).
-Linda Redford from the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Issues Related To The Elderly
•Improper housing
•Living assistance
•Improper medical care
Photo retrieved from Huffington Post
Photo retrieved from https://lawstreetmedia.com
Prison Issues Related To The Elderly •Elder Inmates are more costly than younger counterparts
•Elderly inmates can have the potential for early release but most do not meet criteria
•Aging inmates lead to overcrowding in prison
Photo retrieved from http://nreionline.com/
Elderly Facts
What Are Prisons Doing To Help?
Photo retrieved from http://www.pewtrusts.org/
•Nevada’s "True Grit" Program
•Louisiana State Penitentiary Inmate Assisting
•Facility Modifications
The advantages of having a diverse corrections staff •Create unity
•Better cooperation with inmates
•Eliminate stereotypes
•Eliminate a social structure
Photo by http://www.corrections.com/
Ollove, M. (2016). Elderly inmates burden state prisons. Retrieved from http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and- analysis/blogs/stateline/2016/03/17/elderly-inmates-burden-state- prisons
Prisons: History - The "get Tough" Movement. (2017). Retrieved from http://law.jrank.org/pages/1784/Prisons-History-get-tough- movement.html
The Impact Of An Aging Inmate Population On The Federal Bureau Of Prisons . (2016). Retrieved from https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2015/e1505.pdf