Aim: To see how the size of an area affects the relationship between species diversity.
Diversity is a range of different elements. Habitat size determines diversity relationship(Edition of Nature, March 28 2002). In the research of specie diversity , it was found out that more productivity was done when two different types of species were in one area. It was also said that diversity goes down but as it goes down the productivity of the species increase.
Independent: species diversity Dependant: size of the area Fixed: the actual area/place.
The smaller the area, the fewer the population ( Climate change also has an effect on the diversity because the …show more content…
Edge effects are changes in the population or community structures that occur at the boundary of two habitats ( as the edge effect increases, the boundary habitat allows for greater biodiversity (Wikipedia).
The age of the community/area is influenced by species diversity because the longer the area has existed, the more species will have the opportunity to join the community (
Gathering of data An area was chosen where the species diversity was measured. A quadrant was measured 64cm(length) and 64cm(breath). Another quadrant was measured with a bigger size (122.5cm length and breath) A third quadrant was also measured 212cm(length and breath) The quadrant was put on the ground and then the species diversity was measured The quadrants were divided into 10 rows and columns, each block was represented as 1%. Image of quadrant 1.
Presentation of findings
There were three quadrants and three species within the quadrants.
Quadrant 1’s area: 64cm by 64cm = 4096〖cm〗^2
Quadrant 2’s area: 122.5cm by 122.5cm=1506.25〖cm〗^2
Quadrant 3’s area: 212cm by 212cm=25 652〖cm〗^2 image of quadrant 1 before