Physics 202
Taboada, Marie Floina June L. BSIE 2 December ,2012 (Name, Course, Year) (Date Submitted) Experiment no. 1 Group No./Time/Day:6/7:30-10:30/Wednesday
I. Title:
Specific Heat of Solids
II. Object:
To determine the specific heat capacity of solids by methods of mixtures.
III. Apparatus:
Lead and Iron shots, Electric heater, Calorimeter, Dipper, 2 Thermometers, Water bath, Set of Masses, Trip Scale balance, Extension cords.
IV. Data and Results:
Item Observed | Symbol | Unit | Sample Used(Lead (Pb)) | Sample Used (Iron (Fe)) | Mass of inner cup | mc | Grams | 63.4 | 63.4 | Mass of water | mw | Grams | 150 | 150 | Mass of sample | ms | Grams | 45.6 | 129.7 | Initial temp.of H2On& cup | Ti | C | 21 | 21 | Initial temp.of sample | Ti | C | 29.3 | 31.4 | Final temp.of mixture | Tf | C | 25 | 26 | Specific heat of cup | Cc | Cal/g C | 0.217 | 0.217 | Specific heat of water | Cw | Cal/g C | 1 | 1 | Specific heat of sample(computed) | Cc | Cal/g C | 0.128 | 0.448 | Specific heat of sample(standard) | Cs | Cal/g C | 0.0305 | 0.107 | Error | % E | % |