Instructor Katherine Tracy
Speech 1
February 1 2015
When you look at the world around us, obesity has become a huge crisis because of Americas eating habits. Thousands of people have died each year because of obese or overweight problems. So why are we taking it out on schools instead of around the country.
To begin with, schools are not the problem of obesity, learning to make good choices are. When schools ban junk food all they are doing is removing junk food to be an option until children get home. They are not solving anything. Schools need to teach healthy eating so children can make the choices they have learned and apply them at home. Maybe even teach their parents a healthier way of living.
Second, when we talk about soda, potato chips and candy which are not served at schools, they are as unhealthy as pizza, cheeseburgers and chicken fingers. Those schools do serve. So do schools really know what junk food really is? Schools in my town do serve healthy food like wheat bread, tofu dogs and veggie pizzas. This has caused a loss in the amount of students buying lunch because kids do not like the taste. Having some sugar is fine, just not going overboard. Also when parents send a lunch teachers have orders to take away any foods that are not to their standards, but teachers are able to eat whatever they won’t. This is something I do not agree with at all you should not be able to force a child to eat something unappetizing to them, while teachers are munching on chips and fast food for lunch.
Third, instead of banning junk food, schools need to improve on how they teach nutrition so children are aware of what they are eating, and how to change that to better their health, and to know what healthy eating is. They also need to require more physical activity with the kids during their lectures. For example, when teaching to count go outside or to the gym and find a fun active way of learning this will for one help kids to be healthy and