Speech 112
Mrs. Nina Askary langaroudy
Summary Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter one explains the essential skills of public speaking. Public Speaking was developed soon after our species began to talk, it was ancient Greece and Rome. This chapter discusses the benefits we understand from studying public speaking, plagiarism is the first thing we have to avoid.
The fear of speaking in public is very hight. Chapter 1 tell us about how at the end of the course we will end up more confident and become an effective public speaker, we will learn to organize our ideas and explain the text. The important of increasing personal and social abilities is very important because that way we will learn how to developed greatest self-confidence in presenting ourself to society. The course of speech is not like other course that colleges offers the students because this course give us a better understanding of the new topics of public speaking. Theres many skills like ethics, persuasion, strategic argument, crititcal analysis and many more that will help us in the future. Chapter 2 explains how to become better listeners in public speaking because there's so many things that are said in different ways and have a meaning that many people might confuse, listening in public speaking is all about trying to receive, understand and manipulate the message the speaker is trying to give. In public speaking when a speaker is giving a message the people around had to evaluate the speak by judging the message and the credibility of the speaker. We as we attend college we have to make sure to understand and get the concept of the speak the teacher is giving and give the right answer. This two chapters are really helpful on giving feedback on how to present a good speech and how to get the audience attention.
Chapter 2 is all about how to evaluate a speech and to understand the concept. In a speech there should always be a main point