By: Janice Widjajakusuma – 2013008114
Speech acts is an utterance that has formative function in language and communication. As what I have learned earlier in class, there are apologize and complaint as example for speech acts. Below I will give some other verb of speech acts that people often use together with the definition and example so we can see the difference between each verb.
|Speech Acts Verb |Definition |Example |
|Joke |Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly/jokily. |“It’s okay, we are not related,” she joked. |
|Persuade |cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument; to believe something, |It wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing. |
| |especially after a sustained effort; convince. | |
|Convince |Cause someone to believe firmly in the truth of something; persuade someone to do |She convinced my father to open another branch in the city. |
| |something. | |
|Scare |Cause great fear or nervousness in; frighten; become scared. |The rapid questions were designed to scare her into blurting out the truth. |
|Blurt |Say something suddenly and without careful consideration.