Adora Svitak emphasized that learning between adults and kids should be reciprocal in her presentation which is ‘What Adults Can Learn From Kids?’. Although she accepted kids learn a lot of things from adults, she asserted that kids have a lot of things to share with adults. She proved that her presentation is realistic by real examples and pictures. According to several criteria, I liked this presentation. Although little girl has some deficiency, I admired her and her courage. There are three main criteria which are used when we evaluated presentations.
The first one is organization and content. When Adora started, she did not introduce herself and her presentation’s subject. This is a problem for some audience who did not know her. She started her presentation with a rhetorical question which is one of the attention- getting techniques. This question gave some information about subject of presentation to the audience. Her introduction part has a descriptive comparison. This comparison is about the important cases which were performed by some adults and kids. While she explained the examples, she used effective pictures. The sentences which were used by Adora were unambiguous and her pronunciation was understandable. She specified her supporting ideas and she used daily life examples and their pictures. These examples and pictures raised the reliability of her presentation. During the presentation, Adora prevented to lose the audience’s attention thorough rhetorical questions, activating the audience’s imagination and several humors. Although number of signposts was less than expected, transitions were smoothly. Lastly, she concluded her presentation by focusing the main points and giving some advices. She did not invite the audience for questions and comments.
The second criterion is delivery. First part of delivery is physical one. Adora’s physical delivery, eye contact, gestures, facial expression, posture and movement, was