Speech Self-Critique The first thing that I noticed in my introduction is that I need a better attention grabber. It was good, but there is definitely a better way to get the audience’s attention. The biggest thing in my speech that I noticed the most was the eye contact. I tend to look down at my notecards a lot. I review my speech over and over again before I give it, and almost memorize it, but it is my worst fear to speak in front of people so that is why I look down at my cards so much. Also, I have my cards too close to my face. The second thing that caught my attention while watching myself was that I need to have more gestures with my hands. Having a little bit more mobility with my hands will put more emphasis on the things that I am trying to say to the audience. The power point that I made was simple, but I feel like it got the points across and corresponded with my speech. I thought my tone throughout the speech was good. I feel like my tone of voice is very personable with the audience and not too soft or loud. Another thing that I thought I did well was pausing. I let my information sink in with the audience with a pause. I tend to use a lot of head movement when I’m speaking, and it is distracting to the audience. I used some humor in my speech by giving funny pictures and saying some things in my speech that made the audience laugh. I gave some time to let the humor set in with a pause and then proceeded to go on with my speech, so I thought that I used humor in my speech pretty well. My speech needs to be more conversational. When I watched myself speak, it seemed like I was reading it a little bit. With a more conversational way of speaking, you can attach yourself to the audience rather than reading your speech. Saying that, when I was speaking I was standing with good posture and speaking with a good tone. Even though I may have not been speaking conversationally, I think that my posture made up for it a