
Speech In Macbeth's Trial

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Speech In Macbeth's Trial
Your honour and members of the jury. I would like to thank you for your attention throughout this trial as I am about to present my closing address. We are gathered here today to discuss the consequences of the now deceased king Macbeth. Macbeth has been convicted with the murder of King Duncan, Banquo and Macduff’s family.

Throughout my testimony, I have confirmed that this individual committed these crimes alone as he was blinded by his own ambition and uncontrollable desire to rule Scotland. From the evidence I have presented to you today, he is indisputably a disgrace to the monarchy and in that case his name should be removed from history, forever.

No one would ever have conceived that Macbeth, a loyal, trustworthy kinsman who swore
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In this letter, he wrote to his wife where he revealed his encounter with the three witches, the exact witches who promised him that he would rule Scotland. It is obvious that this prophecy was a driving force towards influencing Macbeth and his actions as he used violence to become King. However, that is no excuse to overlook the crime he has committed, the blood is on his hands, not his wife’s nor the witches’. Macbeth allowed himself to be enchanted, manipulated and tormented by these witches which gave him this false hope, igniting his ambition, which was evidentially his downfall. Yes, his ambition was motivated by supernatural forces promising him that he will rule Scotland, yet he was so foolish to believe such absurd prophecy. He was so foolish and determined to have the …show more content…
Whether it was guilt consuming him or him suffering from lack of sleep, Macbeth was losing his mind and judgement making him completely unfit to lead Scotland. Just think back at the banquet him and his wife threw after the events, how he was freaking out, with the look of fear and paranoia plastered his face. You remember his neurotic behaviour how at the banquet, hallucinating, losing his sanity right before everyone’s eyes. He was obviously scared of something, right? Whether it was Duncan’s or Banquo’s ghost, something must’ve been haunting

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