Language disorders are among the most frequent developmental problems, reaching up to 20% of all children and can be classified as delay, dissociation and deviation. Therefore, Speech-Language Pathology, which is the science that studies, development, improvement, disorders and differences in human communication plays a major role in children's language disorders (ASHA, 1982; BUSCHMANN et al., 2008; MCLAUGHLIN, 2011).
According to ASHA (1982), communication disorders are impediments in the ability to receive and / or process a symbolic system, observable at the level of hearing, language, and speech processes.
Language disabilities may be specific, that is,difficulties could just affect language, or they may be associated with …show more content…
It was designed to be applied in a direct and individual way with frequency of three times a week in Brazilian children. ELO is a cumulative program, based on a hybrid approach – psycholinguistic and behavioral - which stimulate all levels of language (semantic, syntactic, phonological and pragmatic) and psycholinguistic skills (working memory, auditory, perceptive and metalinguistic abilities). The intervention was applied in all participants strictly following its …show more content…
They were divided according to Language level, based on the PVNL – a specific protocol of ELO program which is used to indicate the complexity level of strategies.ELO has two levels - level I (30% of participants in this study) and level II (70% of paticipants in this study), where level I includes children with simpler language than level II.
2.4. 1 Criteria for sample selection
Inclusion criteria:
• Have the consent of the parents and / or guardians to participate in the study, which will be evidenced by the Free and Informed Consent Form, duly signed by them;
• Children ages 3 to 6 years with language delay, confirmed by speech -language evaluation;
• Children with visual acuity (no complaints), auditory thresholds and tympanometric curve within normality patterns and cognitive performance within the normal pattern.