University of Phoenix
Instructor: Diana Mitchell
WK 2: Ethnicity and the Police Outline Part 1
Option 2: Speech
Public Opinion of Police by different Ethnic group.
Today I am here to talk to you, the citizen of our great community about the police that serve us. Let me make this clear, I’m not here to talk about the performance of the police that serve our community. Today I’m here to see and understand where public opinion of police stands. During my study I’ve found that public opinion vary from different ethnic groups, each of them have their own views and opinion of the police that serve their community. Today we are going to take a look at how the public feels about the police by ethnic group. …show more content…
As you may know the relationship between the police and African-Americans has always been strained.
There is a long standing tension between the police and this ethnic group that dates back all the way to slavery. Over the year their opinion of the police have become somewhat divided. There are some in the black community that see the police in a positive light, while other only view the police negatively Currently the majority of African-Americans don’t trust the police, this is due to the death of blacks by police hands. For example, the shooting of Michael Brown by a white police Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. This shooting sparked a national outcry and swayed public opinion of the police within the black community in a negative view. It sparked riots and violence for days, and the community called for justice. Many in the black community view the police as corrupted, oppressors, murders, and ‘criminal with badges”. There are some that even believe that they are at war with the police, especial on the males. This tension has cause many parent to fear for the children lives, some may …show more content…
say. I believe this tension and public opinion of police in black community stems from how the police handle certain situation involving black compared to other ethnic groups. For example on November 22, 2014 12 year old Tamir Rice was at the park platy with a playing with a pallet gun when he was fatally shot by police officer who responded to a called from 911. There was a similar situation that happened on the campus of Virginia Tech; only the suspect was apprehended without shoots being fired. The suspect was also carrying a fake gun, but he got to walk away from the encounter with police. Many believe that had Tamir Rice been white he would still be alive today, but because he was black he was killed. This tension, angry, and frustration with the injustice the community feel only make public opinion of the police worst. Question like “is being black a crime?” or “does committing a crime a black man, merits the death penalty without a trial?” Many in the black community feel that their live don’t matter, and that the police only want to gun them down like animals. Looking at how many blacks were treated in the past by police, this argument is very hard to dispute. The relation between black, whites, and police is different in the way the police handle situation among the tow ethnic groups.
Let look at the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. The suspect James Eagan Holmes killed 12 people that day, but was able to walk away from his encounter with police after the shooting. Many among the black community believe that had he been black they would have just shot him on sight. Looking at many similar situation involving blacks, this argument is also hard to dispute. So what if the Aurora shooter had been black, would he still be alive to stand trial today? Taking into account of the situation in where black have committed similar crimes as whites, but ended with them losing their life. I believe that public opinion of police in the black community is not only influenced by race, it is also influence by the way police handle certain situation involving
1. Johnson, Charles J.; How Police Confront Black and White Citizens, Retrieved from: Chicago Tribune. Link:
2. Davis, Robert C. Perception of Police among Members of Sic Ethnic Communities in Central Queens, NY, Executive Summary. Document No. 184613. Link:
3. Granderson, LZ, CNN Contributor; Why Black People don’t trust the police. Retrieved from CNN news. Link: