1. Introduction
Speech is the vocalized form of human
Harvery Fletcher and Homer Dudley
communication. It is based upon the
firmly established the importance of the
syntactic combination of lexicals and
signal spectrum for reliable identification
names that are drawn from very large
of the phonetic nature of a speech sound.
(usually about 10,000 different words)
Following the convention established by
vocabularies. Each spoken word is
these two outstanding scientists, most
created out of the phonetic combination
modern systems and algorithms for
of a limited set of vowel and consonant
speech recognition are based on the
speech sound units. These vocabularies,
concept of measurement of the (time-
the syntax which structures them, and
varying) speech power spectrum (or its
their set of speech sound units differ,
variants such as the cepstrum), in part
creating the existence of many thousands
due to the fact that measurement of the
of different types of mutually unintelligible
power spectrum from a signal is relatively
human languages [1].
easy to accomplish with modern digital
The speech is the quintessential form of
signal processing techniques [2]. Due the
human communication, is what has drive
increased on the processing power at the
the human race so far, talking about it on
CPU on the modern computers this task
technology is also and important subject
become more and more every day,
to study. On 1874, the experiments
allowing to concentrated on the task of
conduced by Alexander Graham Bell
interpreting the speech and responding to
proves that the frequency harmonics from
actions from it than to await for
an electrical signal can be divided, this
processing the speech patterns.
was the foundation that later on leads to
The Problem with Automatic Speech
the digitalization of the speech, entering
Bibliography: [7] B.H., J., & Lawrence, R. (1991). [2] B.H., J., & Lawrence, R. (2004). [3] Wikipedia. (2012, November 12). [4] Wikipedia. (2012, October 19). [5] Wikipedia. (2012, Dicember 4). Viterbi algorithm