Deontological Ethics is the theory, or …show more content…
For instance “Treat humanity as an end is to respect it, which forms the basis of various perfect duties, including not coercing others, not lying, and not stealing. In another, more positive sense, treating humanity as an end means adopting it as an end to be perused. On this basis, we seek to encourage the ability to make rational and worthwhile choices in ourselves and others. This sense is the basis of various imperfect duties, including helping people and developing one’s mind” (Lacewing, Kant’s Categorical Imperative and Euthanasia). In short, everyone is valuable, and it is morally correct to treat people with value. Treating someone as a means, and not as an end means that you are using them solely for your benefit. Treating someone as a means is viewed as immoral, but there are relationships where someone is treated as a means, like corporate, or sexual …show more content…
How might her decision affect her relation to her parents? What kind of life would the child have? What kind of emotional and economic support does Jackie need? (Spelman, course packet, p. 52)
Unlike Kant’s ethics, the ethics of care theories takes much more than good intentions into consideration. According to Kant’s theory, Jackie made a dissipated decision, her way of life lead her to overindulging in sensual pleasures. Kant's theory does not take into account other factors such as maturity, life experience, or cultural and gender conditioning. Spelman's theory considers these factors: was she pressured into it? Did she want to make a baby? Was it a