The setting of Amistad proved to be frequently accurate. The backdrop of the movie was unfailing to the period in which it occurred . There are a few mistakes, though, that went unseen in the making of the film. The American flag that swayed proudly throughout the film carried too many stars. It is the present day American flag that the viewer notices waving through the air, while …show more content…
The feeling that the actors exulted beautifully exemplified how the slaves, attorneys, townspeople, and even the President was reacted at that moment in time. The lone character that was conflicting with the actual person was the slaves’ attorney, Roger Baldwin. In reality, Roger Baldwin was not youthful and inexperienced. He was actually about fifty years old, and a exceedingly esteemed lawyer. A few years after the Amistad case, he was elected governor of Connecticut. Other than that one instance of character change, the movie did well in the character aspect to reenact the strong feelings and thoughts that commenced during the Amistad …show more content…
For the most part, Spielberg stuck with the correct events that took place, making evident the magnitude of the whole situation for the slaves and the people of America. Most likely due to making the movie “more exciting” or just to make it flow easier for the audience, there were some parts altered or added. The significant character, the enslaved Cinque, was not really detained in Africa and then instantaneously exported to Cuba out of the slave depot at Lomboko. This is what the movie demonstrates, but it is fictitious. Cinque was imprisoned a few years beforehand by black Africans, which was a common practice. Then he was sold to slave traders.
When the movie begins, the opening scene consists of a sweat-covered Cinque ripping at a nail to pick the shackles that bind his wrists, while he sits on the lower deck of the Amistad with his fingers raw and drenched in blood. This is a exceptionally compelling scene that perhaps grabs hold of the hearts of many. The problem is that Cinque actually got free by stooping and picking up a piece of metal that he saw when he was topside one day. He used the metal that he recovered to pick the lock, not a