Osteoporosis occurs earlier in the spina bifida population and typically affects 50% of individuals with this pathology.4 Individuals are at in increased risk of developing osteoporosis if they: are female, lack mobility, use epilepsy medication and corticosteroids, have renal failure, and have a family history of osteoporosis.4 Individuals are encouraged to participate regularly in weight bearing exercises.4 It is important for an individual who is wheelchair bound to bear weight through their wrists to help with mobility and transfers.4 Individuals should incorporate plenty of calcium and vitamin D into their diets, avoid smoking, and limit caffeine and alcoholic beverages to minimize the risk of damaging their
Osteoporosis occurs earlier in the spina bifida population and typically affects 50% of individuals with this pathology.4 Individuals are at in increased risk of developing osteoporosis if they: are female, lack mobility, use epilepsy medication and corticosteroids, have renal failure, and have a family history of osteoporosis.4 Individuals are encouraged to participate regularly in weight bearing exercises.4 It is important for an individual who is wheelchair bound to bear weight through their wrists to help with mobility and transfers.4 Individuals should incorporate plenty of calcium and vitamin D into their diets, avoid smoking, and limit caffeine and alcoholic beverages to minimize the risk of damaging their