The Heart in the Park Labyrinth located in Tonkawa began in 2006 with a group of community members who expressed interest in local artist Audrey Schmitz idea to recognize and celebrate Oklahoma 's Centennial. The city 's motto "Wheatheart of Oklahoma" and the Native American translation of the towns name "Tonkawa" meaning "they all stay together" was the inspiration behind the design. The park contains pavers and art panels depicting local culture and history. In less than one years’ time fund in excess of $150,000.00 were raised through donations, grants, and in-kind services. The park is utilized for a variety of community activities including educational presentations to high school and college students, fundraising events, an annual Harvest Walk, Valentine 's Day Walk and weddings ("Heart in the Park Labyrinth", n.d).…
A friend of mines name Mary wanted to become more involved in her church’s ministries. But before she would commit, she had a few questions about a woman’s role in the church. In these next few paragraphs, I will attempt to help answer her questions about what is the proper role for a woman and what service she is able to get involved in as a female member.…
One shift in the supply curve is from the Government imposing the $1550 cap of two bedroom apartment rentals in Atlantis. One shift in the demand curve is GoodLife choosing to sell 400 rentals as condominiums and then choosing to convert even more rentals to condiminiums.…
American nation in the beginning of the 19th century. A revival is defined by Webster’s…
The reformation in 1517 has a huge role in the Protestant church. Catholic Church was extremely strict on their teachings and influence in society. But in the early 19th century in the United States of America, a religious revival was founded by Protestants – the Second Great Awakening, although it began around 1790, the Second Great Awakening gained power by 1800. The Second Great Awakening is a revival movement that encourages people to find salvation and improve society. The church leaders preaching touched the hearts and minds of many people, including the people who do not go to church; this is why between 1820s and 1830s the church membership has increased and reached their height. The religious revival changed the lives of many people, mostly blacks, and women. This religious revival transformed the United States into a Christian country. The Methodist and Baptist changed the traditional spiritual lectures and attracted more individuals regardless of their color and life status.…
Between the years of 1800-1860 America began to see the world in a more secular view. Because of the Second Great Awakening there were two major reform movements known as the abolition movement and the religious reforms. First I will talk about how The Second Great Awakening was a movement which was a reaction against the liberal beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and other diest and led to religious reforms. The Second Great Awakening started mainly in the south and worked its way up north and then to the rest of the country along with encouraging evangelism, this lead to the many new organized churches and conversions. The Second Great awakening mainly benefitted the…
In an argumentative essay one should state his stand with (pros)or against(cons).Undebatable issues are facts, preferences, beliefs and rites(costumes and traditions of a certain group).…
According to Bennett, Briggs & Triola (2009), descriptive statistics transforms data into a picture of information that is readily understandable using measures such as mean, median, mode, variation and standard deviation. Inferential statistics help researchers decide whether their outcomes are a result of factors planned within design of the study or determined by chance referencing probability values (P) to indicate significance of the change in results (Bennett, Briggs & Triola, 2009). “The two approaches are often used sequentially in that first, data are described with descriptive statistics, and then additional statistical manipulations are done to make inferences about the likelihood that the outcome was due to chance through inferential statistics” (Streiner & Norman, 1996).…
A celebration event for student’s achievements is something that goes a long way and inspiring student to keep up the good work as well something to accomplish. A few celebration events for student’s achievements that are done on my university campus at Tennessee State University are: graduation, The Honor Society of Alpha Kappa Mu, Phi Beta Tau Chapter here at Tennessee State University, Tennessee State University honors convocation, and lastly The Tiger Fest. Graduation is an ceremony held for the accomplishment for those individuals who have met all of the requirements for the degree in the college. It is and events were all of your love ones and friends come to pay honor to you for all of your hard work and celebrate your accomplishment.…
There is something about youth that has always encapsulated those grown out of it. The human race puts it on a pedestal after it has been spent, and it becomes a last wish, something to laugh about in past tense. They will laugh and say how teenagers often feel as though they are invincible, that we are wild and insane because we think we cannot be harmed. But it is so much more than just a feeling. In the seconds between laughs and the embers of a glittering bonfire and the bite of a bone-chilling wind, we are invincible. We still may bleed, but it will be golden. We still may break, but it will feel as if we have been born anew. We still may feel the pain of our lives crushing into us, but it will seem like it is ecstasy rushing against us.…
During our final chapter, we discussed the four stages of the learning cycle. The four stages of transformational learning are as follows: recognizing a significant problem, confronting it intensely, finding a solution, then integrating a new perspective and a new set of assumptions into ones’ life pattern. I think that a lot of times people go through life not realizing when they have a problem. Therefore, acknowledging your problem is most definitely the first step in learning from it. When you realize that there is a problem, you must confront the problem head on to find a solution. Once you have found a solution, you need to incorporate it into your life. These four stages are important in any learning experience.…
References: Bostridge, Mark. Florence Nightingale: The Making of an Icon. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2008.…
“If my cup won’t hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn’t you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full? (National Park Service- Sojourner Truth)... this small passage was taken from a speech that has been repeated throughout time. The woman who spoke these words was known as Sojourner Truth. Truth’s speeches about the equality between women and men gave not only a powerful message, but it also intensified her fight for women and civil rights. After being released from slavery, she made it her mission to fight for her vision of equality within gender and races. Truth goes on to speak at numerous conventions, helping African Americans rebuild their lives after slavery, and being an activist for change. Although, Sojourner…
As many of you may know from all the buzz and excitement Catholic Schools/ Spirit week is fast approaching its due date . Now being under the new prinicipal Mrs.Richie Green many CHS Goers are skeptical about the outcome of this year. Our news team was there to get some feedback .A Tenth Grader had this to say. “ I Believe that it will be hard for mrs. Richie green to top last years spirit week. It was awesome..but..we’lll see” . A twelfth grader also had something to say ,” Im not worried about topping last years spirit week. I just want to have fun. We haven’t had a dance at CHS For two years so im excited. Also it’s a plus that I get to dunk teachers. I cant wait boy.”…
Many Americans have trouble pursuing a healthy lifestyle . This is why is decided to choose eating healthy as my 30 day challenge. I feel that i have accomplished my challenge. I tracked my mood and energy to measure my progress during my challenge. The most difficult part of my challenge was the weekends. Overall my challenge was very fun.…