To the Spiritual Baptist, mourning is held in high regard. This ritual is considered an important aspect of communicating with God, developing the soul, strengthening the spirit and achieving spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding while receiving spiritual gifts (Peza, 1999, 64). The spiritual gifts include positions within the church such as spiritual mother, father or leader, pointer of souls, prover, captain or teacher, and others (Peza, 1999, 64). It is characterized by fasting, meditating, entering into spiritual travels, and refraining one’s self of the freedom to move about, to speak, to eat, drink, bathe or any other comforts, and the acceptance of the naked earth for a bed, and a stone for pillow (Peza, 1999, 73). During the mourning period, the pilgrim receives spiritual instructions through visions and dreams. It lasts from Sunday to Sunday and usually takes place in a special mourner room on the church compound (Laitinen, 2002, 113).
A Baptist may receive a vision to go down on the ground to mourn (higher heights, deeper depth) and would notify the mother or leader of the church of their intentions. It may be in a dream during prayer and meditating or under directions from the pointer of the church. The
Bibliography: Bonas, Judith. Interview by author. Personal interview. Argyle, Tobago, June 30, 2012. (Ordained Spiritual Baptist Reverend) "Maarit Laitinen. 2002: Marching to Zion -Creolisation in Spiritual Baptist rituals and cosmology." E-thesis. (accessed July 1, 2012). New King James Version Bible (Acts 9 vs. 8 and 9) Peza, Hazel Ann. 1999. My faith: Spiritual Baptist Christian. Trinidad: [s.n.]. "Spiritual Baptist." Spiritual Baptist. (accessed June 30, 2012). “Spiritual Shouter Baptist.” Asktrini. (accessed July 4, 2012).