The Belt of Truth prevents the Christian from speaking lies and manipulating others. According to Kinnaman and Lyons (2007), one major barrier to spiritual conversation is having the wrong motivation to do so (p. 188). Thus, if Christians attempt to manipulate an unbeliever by stretching the truth, more than the likely the unbeliever will remain skeptical of Christianity. The Belt of Truth overcomes this barrier. Another barrier to spiritual conversation centers on Christians …show more content…
boasting in their own righteousness (Kinnaman & Lyons, 2007). Unfortunately, many Christians credit themselves for their own righteousness and salvation instead of crediting Jesus. Putting on The Breastplate of Righteousness prevents pride and allows the Christian to boast only in the Lord. Unbelievers avoid Christians who boast in themselves. Therefore, boasting in oneself usually closes the door to any meaningful conversation with an unbeliever.
The Gospel of Peace is the Christian’s footwear, and thus allows the Christian to stand ready to share the gospel at a moment’s notice.
Regrettably, many Christians force the issue of the gospel on those who are not ready and are accused of being too focused (Kinnaman & Lyons, 2007). Therefore, The Gospel of Peace is the footwear that directs the Christian to the right people, to the right places, and to the right times to share the gospel. Hence, The Gospel of Peace prevents the Christian from being too focused. With the decay of society, many Christians face increased persecution and ridicule. As a result, Christians become too sheltered (Kinnaman & Lyons, 2007). The Shield of Faith allows the Christian to venture into enemy territory to boldly proclaim the gospel. However, Christians can expect a counter attack that manifests through fear, worry, defeat, and doubt. The Shield of Faith overcomes fear and the barrier of being too sheltered and thereby allows the Christian to venture into enemy
Hypocrisy is a major barrier to sharing the Christian Faith and engaging in conversation with unbelievers (Kinnaman & Lyons, 2007). The Helmet of Salvation prevents hypocrisy and protects the Christian mind from the garbage of this world. Furthermore, The Helmet of Salvation allows Christians to be persons of integrity. Thus, a Christian who says one thing and does another lacks integrity in their word, deeds, and actions. Integrity opens the door to meaningful conversation and overcomes the barrier of hypocrisy. The Sword of the Spirit is an offensive weapon that pulls down strongholds in the lives of both Christians and unbelievers. Therefore, the Word of God allows the Christian to be focused in conversation with unbelievers and cuts to the “heart of the matter.” The Sword of the Spirit also prevents Christians from being too political (Kinnaman & Lyons, 2007), and The Sword of the Spirit exposes the darkness of sin. Unfortunately, God’s Armor becomes useless unless Christians pray in the Spirit, which, perhaps is the greatest weapon of all.
Kinnaman, D., & Lyons, G. (2007). Unchristian: What a new generation thinks about christianity and why it matters Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books