John Woo 2002), which depicts an action packed drama about World War II and the interactions between Marines and Navajo code talkers as war with the Japanese ensued. This film has major themes of cultural acceptance, willpower, and determination throughout the chaos of gunshots, close quarters combat, and explosions. Marine, Joe Enders and code talker, Ben Yahtzee are the main protagonists of the film, who learn to get along in order to serve their country with honor. Joe is a stubborn Marine who is lucky to be alive as he is given orders to protect Yahtzee but more specifically the code in which Yahtzee holds. Enders is instructed to protect the code at all costs, even if it results in the death of Yahtzee. The movie advances in plot as Yahtzee passes code throughout multiple battles and Enders stands out as a superb soldier. Despite the the pair not getting along together at first, they eventually grow on each other and grow a bond that allows them to be brothers in arms. Together, they work as a tag team to defeat the Japanese and save many lives in the process. In determining the spirituality held within the film, I will analyze the scene in which Yahtzee and Charlie Whitehorse gather in the graveyard to honor those
John Woo 2002), which depicts an action packed drama about World War II and the interactions between Marines and Navajo code talkers as war with the Japanese ensued. This film has major themes of cultural acceptance, willpower, and determination throughout the chaos of gunshots, close quarters combat, and explosions. Marine, Joe Enders and code talker, Ben Yahtzee are the main protagonists of the film, who learn to get along in order to serve their country with honor. Joe is a stubborn Marine who is lucky to be alive as he is given orders to protect Yahtzee but more specifically the code in which Yahtzee holds. Enders is instructed to protect the code at all costs, even if it results in the death of Yahtzee. The movie advances in plot as Yahtzee passes code throughout multiple battles and Enders stands out as a superb soldier. Despite the the pair not getting along together at first, they eventually grow on each other and grow a bond that allows them to be brothers in arms. Together, they work as a tag team to defeat the Japanese and save many lives in the process. In determining the spirituality held within the film, I will analyze the scene in which Yahtzee and Charlie Whitehorse gather in the graveyard to honor those