By preforming an interview, one can gain valuable knowledge about that person’s life which is shaping their worldview. When providing care for a patient, it is extremely important for the caregiver to assess the patient. This allows the patient’s needs both spiritually and physically to be met in a respectful yet effective way. By doing this, a healing environment will be created. In order to understand the importance of these assessments, an interview with a female that is 19 years of age was performed. She is of Asian descent but was adopted when young. Both her and her family are of Christian faith. In this paper, an analysis of the interview will be made.
During this interview, I feel that many things went well. First, a high level of respect was …show more content…
However, she did not need help finding her spiritual balance in these times. One aspect that supports this is the fact that she seemed as though she is one who prefers her spiritual life to be kept as person. I noticed this through the way she would articulate her answers. Many of times she would only use “we” or other terms referring to a group rather than her personal life. I did ask for her to further explain what she meant a few times, which at that point, she shared her personal view. Based on this, I do not think that she would be comfortable to share her spirituality with the caregiver in a time of vulnerability. Also, when I asked her what would be important for creating a healing environment, she mentioned that she could not impede on other people’s religion and just ask for spiritual guidance. However, she stated that she could still practice her own form of prayer in order to maintain spirituality. Therefore, showing that she has a need for spirituality but not to the extent that she would ask the caregiver