Leaha K. Carson
Liberty University
Spirituality and faith play a role in how the terminally ill cope with their upcoming death. Faith also plays a role in how parents cope with the sudden loss of a child. A person’s response to death can cause them to lean on his or her faith and in some cases may cause them to lose their faith. Pastors, counselors, physicians and lay people can help decrease a person’s death fear and anxiety. They can also help parent’s move through the grieving process and make sense of their child’s death.
Spirituality in Death and Dying The process of dying is sometimes long and painful and at sometimes death is sudden and unexpected. How a person copes with a terminal illness or the loss of a loved one is different for each individual. Each person’s coping ability and technique is based on many different things. His or her culture, religious beliefs, spiritual outlook and life experiences all play a role in how he or she functions during and after a terminal illness and when experiencing the loss of a loved one. Their emotions, feelings and beliefs are affected by their cultural, age and religion. The loss of a loved one or a terminal illness can cause depression, pain, and fear. With the help of pastors, counselors, and health care team, patients can find comfort in their faith.
According to Koenig (2009, p.289) 90% of the world practices some type of religion. Religion can refer to an organized church, an institution or to an internal spiritual belief system. But all provide “comfort, meaning and hope. Religion is related to better coping with stress and less depression, suicide, anxiety, and substance abuse” (Koenig. P.289). Reduced stress, lower blood pressure and better pain management were reported when a person has a strong spiritual or religious belief (Ungureanu & Sandberg, 2010, p.306).
There are many definitions of religion and spirituality. The most broadly
References: Arias, E. (2012). United States Life Tables, 2008. National Vital Statistics Reports, 61(3), 1-64. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61 /nvsr61_03.pdf Baeke, G., Wils, J., & Broeckaert, B Kaye, J., & Senthil, K. R. (2002). Spirituality in disability and illness. Journal of Religion and Health, 41(3), 231-242. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1020284819593 Kernberg, O Krikorian, A., Limonero, J., & Maté, J. (2012). Suffering and distress at the end-of-life. Psycho-Oncology, 21(8), 799-808. doi:10.1002/pon.2087 Koenig, H Social Security. (2012, October 15). Calculators: Life Expectancy. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm Taylor, S