Dear Helicopter parents Helicopter parents feel the need and obligation to assistance their children in every aspect in their life, "Helicopter parenting is "the act of hovering over one 's children, anticipating and meeting their every need: may or may not include cleaning up after said children, "helping" with homework, and presiding over numerous social activities: this method of childrearing is often defined by grumpy, needy children and overworked, exhausted mom (Higley 19). Being a protective and concerned parent is normal, but at some point you must allow your child (ren) to grow. From day one parents have instilled rights, and morals into their children that will prepare them for life, and any other circumstances that they may be faced with. The bible says “train a child in the way he should go, and when he gets old he will not …show more content…
stray from it”(proverbs 22:6) If you know as a parent that you have prepared and taught your child well, then you should trust their judgment and character and believe that they will make the right decisions. Young adults need a sense of independence nowadays with the job market so scarce employers are looking for an independent, reliable individual. To have your parents involved in any hiring process of a job does not portray a strong individual that can get the job done on his or her own. In addition, parents will not be able to complete their child (ren) work task for them, nor will they be able to show up to work and clock in and out for them so they should not interfere. Granted, parents should give valuable advice, but it should be limited to only advice. When parents hoover over their children it enables them to take full responsibilities for their actions, and does not allow them to be independent. Independency is a good trait to possess because god forbids, anything was to happen to a parent. If a parent died how would their children survive, if they have been spoon feed their whole lives? The child (ren) would feel lost because they are so use to their parents doing everything for them. Young adults must learn how to handle their own life problems, considering that parents will not be around for eternity. When employers are searching for the right candidates they are searching for someone with their own identity, and that is an independent worker.
In the article Helicopters parents hovering in the workplace Margarert Fiester of the Society for Human Resource Management, said that "It definitely does not show great leadership or decision-making skills," Jobs are in search of individual that have strong leadership skills and having strong leadership skills does not entail your parents calling in to request more vacation time, or higher salary these are matters that should be discussed by the person trying to receive the job. If you cannot speak for yourself how you would be able to represent the company in a positive way? These questions are always pondered upon by the employer when parents play advocate for their children. Also, college students are not high school students. College is supposed to be a time for young adults to find and learn about themselves, in order to create a sense of identity. Parents should respect that and only reach out when their assistance is
needed. Parents have a duty to protect their children, but they also have a duty to allow them to grow and flourish into the best person they can become. It damages a young adult reputation if their parents are coming to the work place, or negotiating finical issues with their child (ren) employer. Furthermore, when parents pressure their children to become successful adults it causes stress on the children and makes them feel pressured causing stress and guilt upon them. The problem is that if you are anxiously trying to make your child into a successful adult, you are most likely communicating anxiety—and not success—to them. (Roiphe) Helicopter parents are enablers. If a parent continually directs the child, then the child does not have experience in making decisions. That can lead to making poor choices when confronted with serious issues such as alcohol or conflict resolution (Higley 67). Conversations about a person child are a controversial issue but in the job market and school system we are speaking more in terms of future leaders and innovators. Parents should look at it from this point a view and set their parenting aside and think or raising Successful young children instead of overprotecting their “baby.” Works Cited
Higley, Dena. Momaholic: Crazy Confessions of a helicopter mom. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 2012.Print.
Roiphe, Katie “The Seven Myths of Helicopter Parenting.” Slate magazine 23 July 2012. 27 Nov, 2012.>
The Holy Bible, King James Version. New York: American Bible Society:
1999; 2000.