Television would serve as a window of knowledge for youth however in terms of keep them thigh to outdoor physical activities a great number of issues brought to criticise this obvious phenomenon by wide range of individuals from parents to social and psychological experts. Unbroken transferring sport events via hundreds of channels drastically occupied teenagers’ hours and minutes. So rarely they can find time to take part in outdoor sports. Reasons contributing to this can be expressed as sedentary life style and time_ killing nature of watching sports on television. Inactive life style transfers as like as all facts among generations. When a father of the family sticks to his comfort lounger, on Sunday evenings, and staring at television as if even a moment of soccer match could not be missed how his young children is expected to attend in local sport activities with his peers. Gathering with friends sitting in front of supper high definition plus scene, have drink and enjoy the exciting so_ called supporting team atmosphere, definitely would be preferred to do tough push ups at gym by a person whose father do exact the same in local pubs every evenings. Accordingly inactive living can be introduced as a leading cable to persuade people specially youth groups stay home to cover live sports events and resist to fill up their free time with more physical activities.
It, also, is argued that continuous coverage of sports by media leaves no time for people to play any sports far from their televisions. Considering the fact that the way folks living has changed in working hours and free_ time spending approaches, spending after working time in a low pressure activity would be more preferable than an energy required one specially while a great deal of sport programs are covered and are available to watch. This wide range of events is absolutely enough to eat every second of individuals. Even those who are not employed or are self employed,