1.0 - Logos - ¶ 1 - Exposition 1.1 - S. 1-2 - Sport - Definition/Induction/Exposition 1.2 - S. 3-4 - 1440’s views v. present day views - Juxtaposition 1.3 - S. 5-10 - Induction/Exposition 1.3.1 Sport is competition 1.3.2 Competition grows with society connecting
2.0 - Logos - ¶ 2 - Induction/Exposition/Definition/Repetition 2.1 - S. 11-12 - Early men compete in amorous alliances - Induction 2.2 - S. 13 - Disport/Sport - Definition 2.3 - S. 14-19 - Induction/Exposition/Repetition/Reason 2.3.1 winning gives pleasure 2.3.2 winning causes pleasant activities to be more pleasant 2.3.3 close societies promote competitions 2.3.4 sport is interpreted as an amorous alliance
3.0 - Logos - ¶ 3 - Induction 3.1 - S. 20-27 - Induction 3.1.1 Increased human connections means increased competitions 3.1.2 Sport evolves pertains to hunting 3.1.3 Hunters are praised 3.1.4 Losing is not unacceptable
4.0 - Logos - ¶ 4 - Example/Definition/Quote/Reason 4.1 - S. 28 - Adjective "bad" before sport - Example 4.2 - S. 29 - Sportsmanship is desired- Definition 4.3 - S. 30 - Defeat is beneficial - Reason 4.4 - S. 31 - "Go on be a sport!" - Example 4.5 - S. 32 - Maturity is desired
5.0 Logos ¶ 5 - Reason/Example/Definition/Cause and Effect 5.1 - S. 33-34 - Sport can be a compliment - Reason 5.2 - S. 36 - The Great Gatsby - Example 5.3 - S. 37 - Sport - definition 5.4 - S. 38-40 - Sport makes people thrive for success - Reason 5.4.1 Shift from physical to sophisticated 5.4.2 Gambling is a cause
6.0 Logos ¶ 6 - Definition/Reason 6.1 - S. 41 - Sport - Definition 6.2 - S. 42-45 - Organization of society promotes sport - Reason/Induction 6.2.1 Society has new