As a sports announcer, your working condition, responsibility, and income is determined by your affiliation.
Network sportscasters ➢ Generally, they are at the top of the salary range ➢ They have the least strenuous schedules - Seldom broadcast more than one game a week - Even those who add reporting duties to their schedules only have a few minutes of sports news a day
Sports announcers for national or regional cable systems ➢ Well-rewarded ➢ Their work schedule is heavy - They may find themselves calling several games each week (basketball, hockey, baseball seasons)
Sports reporters for radio stations ➢ Usually deliver one or two hourly reports during their shifts as well as taping additional reports to be broadcasted ➢ Produce several minutes of visually informative sports news ➢ Produce taped sports features to be run on weekends
Sports announcers who work for athletic teams ➢ Most strenuous but exciting and rewarding ➢ As an employee of the team, you travel with the club ➢ You owe loyalty to the employer - Most team owners require their sportscasters to advertise special promotion days and push ticket sales - Some demand that their play-by-play sportscasters openly root for their team or favour them, but they have to do it with discretion
*Play-by-play announcer – one giving a running commentary on a sports event
If you become a sports announcer, you will most likely begin: ➢ At a small-market radio station doing some sports announcing along w/ other duties (reading hourly news reports, or performing as DJ) ➢ Full-time sports reporting and play-by-play announcing ➢ Larger-market station and perhaps, from radio to TV.
If you’re already successful your work schedule and job description might well conform to one of the following models:
1. sports reporter for an all-news network-affiliated radio