[Black stage with no lights to be seen anywhere setting a uneasier mood]
Bella – (solfty) I was so young when it happened...
Spot light appears below Bella and slowly makes it was up to them
Bella – (solfty) I don't remeber much...
Room dimmly lights up
Bella – (solfty) Yeah it's easier now that I am use to it...
[Room countines to slowly light up and a slam sound effect is played and the stage goes to darkness. Soft chatter and gosip is heard and the light come flashing back on with Bella walking to class with friends.]
Friend 1 – So I have this lovely dress my mum got me.
Friend 2 – Ooo show us, you got a picture
[Friend 1 shows others a picture on her phone with Bella just behind the rest of them]
Friend 3 – That looks …show more content…
Bella – (smiling) I think it looks very pretty on you
[Sounds of chatter stop and everyone frezzes on stage and like slowly start to fade beside a spot light on Bella once the room is back besides the spot light Friends all leave the stage]
Bella – I guess most of my friends know now it doesn't reakky effect me... They don't really care I guess,.. Yeah it's easier now that I'm use to it and I kinda know how I'm feeling, I'd don't really miss my mum and that hurts me, you know everyone else in the world has a good relationship with thier parents... I don't know anyone else really that had a bad past.
[Lights flash back on, but with no one around and nothing to be heard Character slowly drags themselve off stage forcing a fake smile stage fades to darkness]
Scene 2
[Crying and screaming is heard for a young Child and loud stomping is also heard light burst up with a frezze farme of a small Child be removed from a Mother. The Mother is holding on to the Child's hand and the Man holding the Child is shown in power. Loud thump is heard and charcters spring to …show more content…
Mother – (crying) You don't know that.
[The Man pulls the Child to him and the Mother loses grip on the Child]
Man – (yelling) The goverment thinks other wise!
[The Mother is crying on the ground with her hand out reaching for the Child and the Man has a grip on the Child's wrist and is holding them tight as he takes then away, This becomes frozen and Lucy comes on to the stage and looks around at what is happening and stops when they make it the the centre of the stage]
Lucy – (confusd) I was about four when they decied that my mum couldn't look after me properly... So they toke me and I was put into forster care...
[Lucy walks up the the frozen Mother and holds her hands for what seems like the last time]
Lucy – (tearing) I really didn't know what was happening, I guess I never thought about it much... After a while I stopped seeing my real mum because I didn't know how I was feeling, I didn't understand it...
[Lucy moves to the Man]
Lucy – The govement I guess found out, not sure how... I kinda went into theropy for a couple of years after my removal, but I guess I didn't really think about it.
[Lucy moves to Child and looks with tears rolling down her