The idea of the model American family is also a victim in this case. Since these children are at an increased risk of becoming victims or perpetrators of violence themselves, (CRCVC, 16) the cycle of spousal abuse is seemingly never-ending. Not only is the model of the ideal American family at risk, but America's education system as well. The children of families in which spousal abuse occurs are prone to develop mild to severe mental symptoms and behavior. When children are withdrawn, subdued, or exhibit mute behavior, it obstructs their ability to learn. Plus, if the children do not receive treatment, they will be at significant risk for delinquency, substance abuse, and straight up school dropout. (Volpe, 1) If the violence just gets to be too much to bear, the children (specifically males), will act out and in most cases harm if not kill their parent’s abuser. 63% of all males between the ages of 11 and 20 who are serving time in
The idea of the model American family is also a victim in this case. Since these children are at an increased risk of becoming victims or perpetrators of violence themselves, (CRCVC, 16) the cycle of spousal abuse is seemingly never-ending. Not only is the model of the ideal American family at risk, but America's education system as well. The children of families in which spousal abuse occurs are prone to develop mild to severe mental symptoms and behavior. When children are withdrawn, subdued, or exhibit mute behavior, it obstructs their ability to learn. Plus, if the children do not receive treatment, they will be at significant risk for delinquency, substance abuse, and straight up school dropout. (Volpe, 1) If the violence just gets to be too much to bear, the children (specifically males), will act out and in most cases harm if not kill their parent’s abuser. 63% of all males between the ages of 11 and 20 who are serving time in