Sharing Housework Equally
The aforementioned situation made it necessary to have spouses share duties equally as this served to facilitate the creation of an extra amount of family time, even with its limited availability. Furthermore, women began considering men as equals especially after it occurred to them that they could work as sufficiently as men in the factories and other places of work (Bell and Weinberg 77). The current diversification of production industries and the associated markets have increased the demand for the women input in the labor market. While women’s participation in the labor force has been increasing rapidly, the same cannot be said about the division of roles in the home environment. Available statistics even with the increased campaigning, division of household duties is still disadvantageous to women (Cuvillier 22).
Women continue to play the roles that they have acquired overtime in a more or less like their mothers did when they were still in childhood. However, there has been a gradual but steady change of attitudes among the partners in marriages. Men and women have