Islam is one of the biggest religions in the modern world. Islam was created in the 600s and grew quickly over the next few decades. However, the question is, why did Islam spread so quickly? Islam spread quickly because of flourishing trade routes, military conquests out of Mecca, and the appeal of its central ideology.…
The Islamic Civilization spread so extensively due to their excellent, organized, well paid warriors and the strength of their forces formed from their practices and belief methods. The Quran, and the life of their renowned prophet Muhammad set examples and rules on how to live one's life. The monotheistic people strongly lived in Allah’s word.…
Islam is a constantly spreading religion embraced by many. It was inspired in 610 CE, when a man named Muhammad went to a cave in Mount Hira to pray. It was claimed that there, an angel named Gabriel told Muhammad of a one true god named Allah. This inspired Muhammad to spread the ideas of Allah, beginning the world-wide religion known as Islam. Although it met much resistance in the city of Mecca at first, the religion grew and Muhammad was seen as a prophet of Allah. After Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, all of his teachings were recorded in a book called the Qur’an, and the religion continued on to spread. Within 100 years of Muhammad's death, Islam had spread past the Middle East and went to other continents, such as, Africa, Asia, and Europe (Background Essay). Which begs the question, why did Islam spread so fast?…
In 622 C.E., Islam was founded which helped flourish trade. Once Islam was founded, trade increased because Islam linked Swahili city-states to the larger Indian Ocean which was an important part of the trade routes between Africa and Eurasia. In the Southern reaches of the Swahili world the birth of Islam extended the impact of the Indian Ocean trade well into the African interior. Trans Saharan trade brought Islam into East Africa and introduced writing, enriched education and business, and caused a shift in political structures. The extraordinary spurt of urbanization that accompanied the growth of Islamic civilization promoted trade. This was a change because the birth of Islam was during this time period therefore changing trade networks by helping them flourish and helping the growth of Islam. Islam linked many places together therefore helping trade and connections during this time.…
First off one reason why Islam spread so quickly is because of war. One piece of evidence why Islam spread so quickly by war is because they took over five cities in 189 years. According to doc. C the reason why Islam took over five cities in 189 years is because they took over Mecca in 630 c.e, Jerusalem in 638 c.e, Cairo in 621 c.e, baghdad in 540 c.e, and Saragossa in 729 c.e. In conclusion that is why trade is making Islam spread so quickly.…
According to “Verses from the Qur’an” it shows many verses/rules that people had to follow. One main rule was,” Do not devour one another’s property by unjust means, nor bribe the judges with it in order that you may wrongfully and knowingly usurp other people’s possessions…(2:188)”. This shows to not want what other people have and not to bribe about the things you have. This a really important rule that people wanted to follow so they liked that Muslims respected these things so they got influenced and joined. People also had good protection because of the Government and how Muslims were so important to the society in Arabia. According to The Ordinances of The Government, it says, “ To defend the land of Islam and to protect them from intrusion so that people may earn their livelihood and travel at will without danger to life or property.” This shows that the government really cared about Muslims because they were really important to the social hierarchy. This might have influenced people to turn into Muslims because they could feel with good protection and could perform their religion without stress or concern. Islam spread because of the rights that people had and the laws that were performed which were…
In my opinion the most important factor of Islam’s expansion was that other religions were attracted to follow Islam. Many people whose countries had been taken over by Byzantine and Persian empires hated their rulers and welcomed the Muslim invaders for freeing them. Islam gave them knowledge and education; as Islam was the newest…
Islam was a fast spreading religion in a time when Christianity and other religions had already established themselves. Islam gained a reputation as a violent religion when it attacked and conquered areas, and made violent threats. Islam also presented itself as a religion of reward, equality, and protection. Once Islam had established itself in so many areas, it used other techniques to keep their reign. The Muslims way of spreading and keeping their empire was what made it one of the most studied empires in history.…
Although the Arabic language existed within the pre-Islamic Era, Arabic writing spread dramatically after the revelation of the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Muslims. The revelation resulted in the spread of Islam, which resulted in more countries adapting Arabic as its native language. From Arabic, other languages came to exist, such as Persian, Turkish, and Urdu. The letters of these languages juxtaposed that of the Arabic language, along with additional letters, which gave each its newness. These inscriptions became a critical part of providing insight into history, culture, and social aspects of the Islamic period.…
The major religion of Islam also became strengthened by interactions along the Silk Road. Islam was often spread not through missionaries but throguh merchants. Due to the large volume of trade along the Silk Road, merchants were very successful in diffusing Islamic beliefs to the rest of the World. Islamic…
In a very real sense the Quran is the mentor of millions of Muslims, Arab and non-Arab alike; it shapes their everyday life, anchors them to a unique system of law, and inspires them by its guiding principles. Written in noble language, this Holy Text has done more than move multitudes to tears and ecstasy; it has also, for almost fourteen hundred years, illuminated the lives of Muslims with its eloquent message of uncompromising monotheism, human dignity, righteous living, individual responsibility, and social justice. For countless millions, consequently, it has been the single most important force in guiding their religious, social, and cultural lives. Indeed, the Quran is the cornerstone on which the edifice of Islamic civilization has been built.…
Quran is the sacred text of Islam; it was orally recited to the prophet and remained orally transmitted throughout the lifetime of the prophet Muhammad and his companions. As Gabriel recited Quran to Mohammed, the followers found it unnecessary to write down the Quranic verses since they were memorizing and retaining them. However, the necessity to transfer Quran from oral to written was after the death of Muhammad when Quran was no longer recited to him. Another reason to write down Quran was due to the Yamama battle where numerous numbers of Muslims were killed. Also, the diversity of language among new Muslims was a threat of losing Arabic as Islam expanded further. Consequently, Quran was first written down in Mushaf and later on many copies were made from this Mushaf and spread out through all the Islamic regions. And by this way, the sanctity of Quran was preserved and unified among all the Islamic regions.…
The Quran and its teachings play an important role in the development of a Muslim. The Quran guides the way of life, it gives insight into relations between brothers, kin, employees and their employers, the individual and the state, and the Muslim and non-Muslims. This holy book above all gives insight into life as Allah wished.…
Muslims believe the Quran to be the direct words of Allah, as revealed to and transmitted by the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.…
In pre-Islamic time law lacked a formal structure as there was no set of laws that united the Arabic world. Towns, cities and rural areas all held different laws that were based on tribal tradition. With the revelations of the Prophet, a new religion was born: Islam. The Prophet began to introduce the word of Allah to the people and with that came basic laws that provided an introduction to law. The formation of Islamic law was based on three things, the Qur’an, the Hadith and the Sunnah however legal content was left incomplete. The four schools of Islam were created to define law and create a legal system because the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Hadith did not define a cohesive legal system.…