It was Monday, the start of the most famous week, Spring Break, or as sixth graders would say #springbreak2k14. We got to the edge of Anacortes where we had to take a tiny ferry to get to the island. We got to the house and went inside, it was sketchy, there was barely any service and no wifi. Already a bad spring break. After about two days of doing absolutely nothing we decided to get off the island. While waiting on the island for the ferry, we were at a three way intersection and apparently you're not …show more content…
Guess who showed up? You probably guessed it, it was the same old sketchy truck with the same old sketchy guy inside. He gets out of the truck and starts threatening us, and we were scared as hell. My friend’s mom called 911 and they came rushing. When they saw we were scared, guess what they did…...NOTHING! They said, “There was no evidence.”
There were eight of us and we were like how the heck is he not guilty?r! Do you not see four frightened children?! We got on the other ferry an hour later. We were in the car, stilled scared and watching a movie. When the ferry captain came down and said we should talk to him. He asked, “Did you guys have a confrontation with the guy?” and we said, “Yes” all at once.
The captain said,”....the other captain got fired for pulling a gun on him and there’s been other confrontations.”
He also said,“That we have tried to get him kicked off the island.” I was doing a happy dance inside my brain. The next day we went back to Portland, if you were going to take something away from this story I would say this, don’t go on an island with no wifi or cell