• Stride length: Optimal sprint stride length can be achieved when the sprint is performed in proper technique. Stride length is defined as the distance covered with each stride and is improved by increasing the amount of force applied into the ground.(8) Moreover, it is described as ideal when the length of the stride is mechanically efficient, where the leg is 90 degree on ground when foot striking.(8) The stride length can be affected by the strength and the flexibility of …show more content…
Three general characteristics: ectomorph (leanness), endomorph (roundness), and mesomorph (muscularity). It is suggested that the average somotype for 100 m sprinter is 2 : 5.5 : 3 (high in mesomorphy, low in endomrphy and ectomorphy).
• Anthropometry
It is the way to assess the compatibility between the player's body and sport by assessing the body composition and size. The player with shorter leg seems to have an advantage over the player with long legs as concluded by Dintiman et al. (1997).(8) Therefore, faster stride rate with possible less stride length can be resulted from the powerful muscles combined with lower point of inertia.
Activity One (Sprint):
Soccer player covers a distance of between 10 to 14 Km during the match and run at speed of between 1.4 and 10 m.s. 800 to 1000 times per match.(1) Soccer is intermittent sport which requires short duration maximum intensity activities as sprint over distance 10-20 m, or high intensity activities as counterattacks which intertwined with some low and moderate intensity actions as marching and jugging. Pauses are present in between as standing.(2) Moreover, it needs repeated forceful activities as kicking, jumping, sprinting, tackling, etc.(3) During the full soccer match, the players consumed the energy which is mostly produced by the aerobic system, whereas the …show more content…
Sprint Activity: Sprinting is an important activity in soccer which equals around 12% of the total distance covered by the player and 3% of the match's time.(5) Sprinting skill depends the player's ability to combine and integrate actions of the lower limbs, upper limbs, and trunk as smoothly as one unite.(6) Therefore, when analyzing any activity some points related to human anatomy should be considered as: body height, stride length, stride frequency, energy production, speed, somatotype, muscle power and composition. In addition, some external factors should be considered as footwear, previous injury history, fatigue status, the field turf.(7) In this paper, 10-20m of sprinting will be analyzed. Sprinting activity consists of three main phases:
1. Acceleration: through 10-20 m test, it is the initial start up with extend from start point till 30% of the distance. This phase can be divided into two subdivisions: the pure acceleration, and the transition.
2. Maximum velocity: the next distance between